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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6-Months Old!


Brody may be the happiest baby ever! He loves to laugh (and scream!)

I Love Apples!

Apples are my favorite!

Monday, August 16, 2010

5-Months Old Already!

Time is flying by! Our Mr. B is already 5 months old!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beach Picnic!

Auntie Alicia and her favorite boyfriend

Checking out the waves

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2-months old!

How time flies! Brody is already 2-months old and getting cuter and sweeter each day.

Brody attempting a downward facing dog

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was great! Glen gave me the best gift - the gift of sleep!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunset boardwalk cruz Part I

Sunset boardwalk cruz part II

his first time seeing the ocean

bath time...

He looks unsure in the picture but he realized later how much he likes bath time.

Just checking out the view from his balcony

Brody with his Aunt Alicia

Brody and his BFF Cooper

Brody and Cooper just hanging out, the Coop is a month older than Brody and is Katie and Kevins lil boy so theyre cousins by default

Brody comes home!

Dr. Guru and Labor Nurse Heather are awesome!

Dr. Guru and the Labor and Delivery RN Heather were awesome!

momom and popop

momom and popop hangin out with brody


first day hanging out with Brody

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rady's Childrens hospital has the best nurses

The Rady's Childrens hospital has the best nurses, Linda form New Zealand is on the left, she helped us ALOT, the other nurses were just as caring and loving to Brody and we cant thank them enough.

chillin at his pad in the NICU

Brody spent a week at the Rady's Childrens hostpital at Scripps Memorial hospital in La Jolla, this is him chillin in bed in the penthouse suite.

And then he came to us on 3-20-10 @1:19AM

Welcome Little Brody!

The day we found out...

3 out of 3 tests.... YUP, its real !!

Baby bump at 6 months

Jess in Hawaii for work (work... really?)  You can really see that bump coming in now!... shes at 6 months here.